Thursday, April 03, 2008

hehe, whoops

Well, tuesday came and went again. Slightly legitimate excuse for missing updating is that I attended a scholarship banquet for UW. Basically they said not only are we a great school: we are rakin in the dough and we're willing to give you some to attend, plus you'll benefit from cutting edge equipment. So yeah, that was kinda interesting, and may have swayed me away from CSU. Really need to see what CSU is offering first but I'm betting they can't compete. Also heard that they're not giving out as many scholarships past freshman year. We finished the spring play last weekend. It went well and was very funny. The play was *deep breath* The Marquis Crossing Ladies Society First Attempt at Murder. Quite humorous. The underclassmen+Juniors are taking Stanford 10 tests today (suckers) so I've got this morning off, as well as yesterday afternoon. Apparently, my blog is slowly spreading around teh RL. It's rather wierd, especially since people seem so hesitant to reveal their sources. It's a spirit week this week at school. Somehow, lack of inspection on the part of the office I suspect, Student Council got Crossdressing day passed at school for Monday. I wore a nice black skirt/dress thingy. It was really rather comfy and warm. Tuesday was Oldies day which I never participate in because it would require a DC 5 Knowledge:Fashion History check which I am cursed to roll low for. Though, with what some people have theorized as my INT score, failing shouldn't be possible. Wednesday was clash day which I abstained from for the same reason. Today will be crazy hair day. My hairstylist (pillow) has made sure I'm plenty ready. Now, back to projects of which thou shalt not be apprised of!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lol..i'd of loved to see u in a dress..i just can't picture it