Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Fireworks:good Setup:groan

The sight of flashes, the sound of the bangs, but the smell of the dust? Fireworks are one of man's greatest inventions but setting up to sell them is... well I'll just say I'm nonplussed. 3rd or 4th year I've done it but I've never been the one who has to go crawling for those 5 boxes that are missing: they're not really missing they're just on the (insert prefered expletive here) bottom of the trailer. Oh yeah dust, which is everywhere in there, isn't condusive to breathing if you have allergies. All well I guess I'll just have to light something on fire to take out my frustration :)

good luck to geeks, especially the ones who are pyros :)

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Do you people know the meaning of planning?

I'm sorry but having been notified less than 24 hours ahead of time that I was expected to come to a party, being told less than 5 hours before that I need to bring food. When my next 3 hours are planned out and my parents still own my hide meaning the other 2 might as well be planned. Can anyone sympathize with my frustration that when I call and say "hey I might be a little late" I find out it's been canceled? All well, I'll just have to go back to turning into mush in front of my compuker playing worms. Oh and a wise word of wisdom to everyone out there:

"Never trust anyone wearing a tie."
-Richard Parker
-Ultimate Spiderman 6

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Wow, Life is wierd

I'm sure I came on here to write about something but now that I've actually gotten around to writing I've no idea what I originally came to write about. George Orwell was a very odd author or at least his book, 1984, was a very strange book. It is apparently a classic example of "negative utopia." For those of you who've no idea what that is it's the perfect world gone bad. A few recent examples in the movies were Minority Report, I Robot, Island (at least i think that's what it was called, the one with Ewan Macgregor), and AeonFlux. 1984 however has a particularly unique perspective I've never seen in this kind of story. I recomend it if you have the time to simply set everything else aside and read it because it will challenge your brain to some heavy thinking (or at least it did mine).

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Bike wrecks stink

I'm sure everyone who has ever ridden a bike knows this, but for those of you who haven't: bike wrecks stink. Sadly they seem to be a requisite part of biking. My earliest memory of riding a bike (still had training wheels) was going down the sidewalk and turning straight into a rosebush. My most recent one was of trying to go up a curb on to the sidewalk. I made it onto the sidewalk but no thanks to my bike: it decided it would rather stay on the street. I managed to scrape up my knee and ankle (right side) pretty bad. Not all is lost though, for biking is not something I need to do for a while. (Even my parents agree with this but they say what I need to be doing is mowing the lawn instead of typing this up)

Well, good luck to all the bike riders out there and good afternoon to all