Saturday, April 28, 2007

Whoa, I didn't know they had insane asylum's online

I'm back. I don't know that I went anywhere besides school since my last post but I'm back anyways. I suppose I was at a friends house last night. We watched 3 movies, not necessarily in this order: Without a Clue which is a hilarious parody of Sherlock Holmes, Blazing Saddles which was awesome crude humour aside, and History of the World Part 1, which, well, is probably the 3rd worst movie I've ever seen (BattleField Earth and Plan 9 From Outerspace anyone?) because of all the crude humour in it but it was humour and so we had a good time watching it anyways. Well, actually Rico (not his real name but he has answered to it) tried to wipe the memory of this portrayal of the last supper from his mind, but we're good friends *grins maniacally* we'd never let that happen. And now to the title of the post: yes, there are insane asylums online. They take the form of message boards. I have never seen so much randomness in one place. Maybe I can make myself at home in one.

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