Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Bike wrecks stink

I'm sure everyone who has ever ridden a bike knows this, but for those of you who haven't: bike wrecks stink. Sadly they seem to be a requisite part of biking. My earliest memory of riding a bike (still had training wheels) was going down the sidewalk and turning straight into a rosebush. My most recent one was of trying to go up a curb on to the sidewalk. I made it onto the sidewalk but no thanks to my bike: it decided it would rather stay on the street. I managed to scrape up my knee and ankle (right side) pretty bad. Not all is lost though, for biking is not something I need to do for a while. (Even my parents agree with this but they say what I need to be doing is mowing the lawn instead of typing this up)

Well, good luck to all the bike riders out there and good afternoon to all

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